Wednesday, September 21, 2016

2016 Brand New HIT Item -- CHATEAU LABIOTTE Wine Lip Tint

Chateau Labiotte Wine Lip Tint

 Bring the luxury of fine wine into your very own makeup pouch! The current talk of the town in South Korean beauty scene is the Chateau Labiotte Wine Lip Tint. It comes in a unique and classy miniature wine bottle that houses a premium, long-lasting lip tint. This lip tint contains premium wine extract called Sepivinol imported from France. It gives double the moisture compared to regular lip conditioners but doesn't leave a sticky feeling. The moisture seeps deep in the lips along with its natural tint. No more troubles about retouching from time to time since this is formulated to be very long lasting.

How to use

Using the wand applicator, lightly dab the tint onto your lips and blend until desired color is achieved.


Only CR01 and RD02 are in stock~

Labiotte Wine Lip Tint RM 59 each

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让你一整天不脱妆享受清爽妆容 - Innisfree No-sebum Mineral Powder

Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Powder  

Oil Absorption powder that creates soft and gorgeous skin all day long!
  • Formulated with sebum control powder, Jeju natural mineral and mint extracts.
  • Keeps balance between oil and moisture to create healthy skin.
  • 6 Free: No parabens, artificial pigment, animal ingredients, mineral oil, artificial fragrances, talc
Say NO to shiny, oily and dull skin caused by sebum! Say NO to flaky and lumpy makeup caused by sebum!

Genuine review:  
- Translucent white powder that feels soft and smooth on the face. 
- Successfully create a smooth finish of makeup on the face and really did the job of oil absorption for all day long! 
- It can be used for skincare even if you are not wearing makeup, apply it at the last step of your skincare routine and enjoy a soft skin all day long.

今天要介绍的是化妆步骤里面很重要的定妆粉~妆化得再美如果因为脸部冒油出汗而糊掉了的话还是很恐怖的~!所以通常在化妆最后一步一定要用散粉定妆,让妆容可以维持不容易脱妆~我用过不少定妆散粉,最推荐的就是这款Innisfree控油矿物蜜粉 ~!!



Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Powder RM39 each

联系方式 Please contact us:

Wechat ID: Shinlee_shop

Whatsapp: 011 1054 8326

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化妆基础入门必备产品 -- Banila co. CC cream & April Skin Magic Snow CC Cushion

Banila Co. It radiant CC Cream VS April Skin Magic Snow Cushion (Black)

Two of the best CC creams that you cannot miss! Both for different purposes to make your makeup routine easy and effective~

 Banila co. Radiant it CC cream
 April Skin Magic Snow CC Cushion (Black)
 Light texture water-based color control cream suitable for all skin type
Liquid foundation that delivers perfect coverage and matte finish for combination and oily skin
Main features: 
- Water-based formula moisturize the skin and   keep the skin oil-free
- Transparent whitening capsules brighten up the skin and leave you with a radiant and glowing skin all day
- Lighter consistency and more natural coverage

Main features:
- Contains water-based formula to keep skin moisturized
- Strong coverage that perfectly covers blemishes and imperfections and gives flawless complexion
- Block UV rays SPF 50+/PA+++
- Cushion compact is excellent for quick touch-ups
- Very light in texture and creates natural brightening effects
- Whitening cream that provides UV protection
- Not likely to cause breakouts on face because of the light and natural texture
- Perfect for people who are not fussy on covering up imperfections but looking for products that can brighten the skin tone and provide UV protection
- Lightweight water-based foundation that instantly moisturize the skin and leaving no greasy feeling
- Super strong coverage that perfectly cover spots with only a small amount
- Product specially design for combination and oily skin, good at oil controlling and leaving skin oil-free for all day long!
- Perfect for people who would like more coverage and high UV protection.

终于迈入真正的化妆品文章了,店主以前其实是个标准宅女,根本不会化妆,也对任何化妆品无感。渐渐"变老"之后才发现有些场合有些时候还是必须化一下淡妆不能再顶着大素颜到处晃,所以开始努力在网上爬文自己学习基础入门化妆技巧和需要的产品,结果也是花了很多钱试了很多产品,把自己的脸当小白鼠的脸,终于在破产和毁容前找到下面这两样超级好用的CC霜:Banila co. Radiant it CC creamApril Skin Magic Snow CC cushion~~~!!!

CC霜就是Color Corrector 的缩写,基本功效就是修复调整和提亮肤色,减轻肌肤暗沉或泛红的问题,让气色看起来更好。我个人认为CC霜比BB霜轻薄比较没有什么负担,而且很多CC霜都有一些非常诱人的护肤功能,很适合新手随便抹末也不会出太大的问题(偷笑)

Banila co. 的这款 CC cream 号称护肤型CC霜,主打的是轻薄的质地和多功能护肤效果,希望在化妆的同时保养肌肤~
这款CC霜给我的第一感觉就是轻薄,颜色是裸粉色的,质地蛮水润不会干,感觉更像有防晒功能的护肤品。 产品主打亮白肤色,这个效果是百分百做到了~店主亲身试用抹上脸马上有提亮的效果 ,肌肤看起来自然好气色,完美打造韩式裸妆效果~~

但是因为主打轻薄护肤,Banila Co. CC cream的遮瑕效果就大大减低了,对于想要打造高度遮瑕重妆感的朋友,就要使用April Skin的气垫CC霜了~

这两款CC霜各有不同的功能和效果,想要打造轻透裸妆的朋友可以选择Banila Co. It Radiant CC Cream; 注重遮瑕想要打造完美妆感的朋友就一定要试试April Skin Magic Snow Cushion啦~!!

 接下来看看April Skin气垫的实物使用效果吧~~

Banila co. It Radiant CC Cream 30ml RM 89

April Skin Magic Snow CC Cushion (Black) 15g RM 89

联系方式 Please contact us:

Wechat ID: Shinlee_shop

Whatsapp: 011 1054 8326

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

每个女孩都值得拥有的变美神器 -- CLIO 蜗牛素颜霜

今天要来介绍的是最近非常火爆的一款美白面霜 -- CLIO 蜗牛素颜霜~!! 这款面霜一出世简直就是所有(懒)女人的福星~ 它就是一款含有美白成分的调色霜,主要功效就是调亮肤色,涂上后让你的皮肤看起来亮白有光泽,显得气色好一点~这款面霜最大的特点是它可以达到让你看起来像化了淡妆一样好气色,但是其实它不是化妆品哦!它属于护肤产品,涂上后不需要卸妆,对皮肤没有负担,而且这种美容方法超快速便捷,随便一抹就可以达到化了淡妆的效果,让你素颜出门也能美美的~~叫所有女生如何不爱~~~!!!

店主自己已经深深爱上这种素颜霜完全无法自拔很久了,现在几乎每天一定抹了素颜霜才出门!因为本身脸部肌肤偏黄偏暗沉,完全素颜的话就是一个标准“黄脸婆”!以前会稍微上粉底来让肌肤看起来亮白,但是出门前都要花时间涂粉,回家还要卸妆,有时候爱美的心还是敌不过懒惰的情,直接顶着一张黄脸出去或者回家忘记卸妆,真的好堕落!现在有了素颜霜真的超级方便,出门前随便涂一下真的就可以让肌肤瞬间变白而且还有光泽,看起来也超自然不会像化了妆一样有时候下手太重就变假面人了(偷笑)~ 而且有时候可能只是出门买个东西吃个饭或者去运动,不想化妆但是又不想顶着个大素颜出去,素颜霜就是一个最好的选择啦~~~

面霜就是50ml容量的像普通面霜一样,白色奶油质地,水润柔滑,很好推开,而且只需要一点点就可以把整张脸涂匀~真的只需要一点点哦,下手太重还会被自己的白脸吓到!:p 刚刚涂上去的时候真的可以很明显看到脸部立刻变白变亮了,过5-10分钟就会变得超自然,感觉就是皮肤本来就这么好~我最爱的就是它这种自然的提亮效果,而且效果很持久,在外面晃一天还是可以美美的,不会有所谓的脱妆问题~重点是它还很保湿哦,一点都不干~~~~油性肌肤可以选择用完爽肤水直接用它,干性肌肤的话建议先用了滋润面霜再用素颜霜吧~~



哒当~~~这就是使用前后的对比图啦~~其实效果真的很明显,但是店主第一次拍这种照片有点小害羞(?!),所以拍得不是很好可能没有完美呈现它的惊人效果,大家如果来店里的话有试用装可以让你们试用一下哦~~试用过后你绝对会想拥有它~~~ :D

CLIO 蜗牛美白素颜霜 一盒50ml RM 129

联系方式 Please contact us:

Wechat ID: Shinlee_shop

Whatsapp: 011 1054 8326

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